Gatherings: a vital part of the healing process

“Each time a women comes to a community gathering, her brain, body and soul gradually heal as she has repeated experiences of healthy relationships where she practices self-regulation and focuses intently on using self-reflection.”

— NAOMI Core Concepts

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Finding hope in hard places

The healing journey is full of contradictions. When we decide to focus on healing and learning new ways to respond and live, it seems like things should get easier. But that’s not what happens.

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Pursuing a dream

“They taught me to believe in myself by believing in me and showing up for me when I needed them. I am so grateful for the unconditional grace, kindness, and support from this extraordinary community of women and the work that they are doing to provide a safe space that fosters healing and growth. When I walked out of my pinning ceremony and I saw all of your wonderful faces, I was overwhelmed with so many emotions. I didn’t do this on my own and I am just so grateful for everything you all do each day.” - Tracy

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