From Surviving to Thriving: healing from trauma
The hard work of healing from past trauma becomes worth it when you feel yourself moving through the days with confidence and hope instead of spending all your energy trying to find a way to avoid more pain. It becomes worth it when you’re no longer hiding in shame but choosing to give and receive grace.
The Comfort of Trauma-Informed Care
When you’ve been deeply hurt by the people who were meant to love and protect you, it can be nearly impossible to trust again. That’s why being trauma-trained takes such high priority at NAOMI. Our community support specialists are committed to the process. No matter how long, no matter how bumpy, they’re here for it.
Behind the Mask: the importance of being truly SEEN
When a woman is in unbearable pain, the first thing she needs is for someone to see her — not fix her, not solve all her problems — just be with her and listen. This is the second segment in a four-part series of stories and quotes from the NAOMI community, compiled by Community Director Sara Cardwell.